söndag 17 mars 2013

7 weeks to go

Now Hans looks good.
still friggin winter here, and I am waiting for the ranges to open which is like 7 weeks to go here.

How I will look I got no idea but as far how it feels, it feels good.

7 weeks to go

tisdag 5 mars 2013

4% disperson pattern

Coaching Hans Andersson and he has arrived at a 4% dispersion pattern with my new instruction set for the golf swing.
He is also longer than last year and way more accurate.
Looks like he will have a superb season.
My Mike Austin modeling is paying off.

For myself still winter here, and the Indoor session was canceled due to snow storm.
its friggin march.....
still 2 months away from open ranges but spring is coming.

The home work I done as far shows promise but hitting balls is where it Counts to find the impact and flight. Coaching the new isntructions et has shown it works so well that anyone who wants a simple and powerful golf swing can learn it.

I guess 300 yards and 4% dispersion pattern is pretty much unbeatable.